
Karina Kaluza- Born in 1991, visual artist, Master of Fine Arts in Painting & Graphic


2018 Festiwal Polskie Kręgi Sztuki w Chinach08.2018 Vancouver Art Gallery, Canada
21-30.VIII.2017 Galeria Xanadu, Warszawa
10.VI.2017 INDUSTRIADA, Muzeum Historii Katowic.
2-20.VI.2017 "Connect Katowice- London" Rondo Sztuki, Katowice.
20.V-9.VI.2017 "Grande Biednale 2017"-Noc Muzeów; Pawilon Fundacji Bęc Zmiana,Warszawa.
8.V.2017 "II Międzynarodowe Triennale Rysunku Studenckiego"

2016 "Connect Katowice- London" Ply Gallery. London 2016
2016 "La Foire Internationale d'Art Conterporain".Paris, France.  
2016 "IVGliwicki Przegląd Artystyczny G.PART"-Wyróżnienie
2016 "Studencki Obraz Roku". Galeria DagmaArt
2016 "Studencki Obraz Roku". Rondo Sztuki, Katowice 2016 

2016 Article in The SCANDALE Project; art magazine
2016-2017 Connect Katowice, British-Polish exchange, collaboration and display, 

 Exhibition December 2016,Ply Gallery, London
 Finale exhibition June 2017, Rondo Sztuki, Katowice
2016 Rector's Scholarship for the best students.
2016 "Międzynarodowe Biennale Grafiki Łódz 2016-ŁódzPrints"
2016 "Aukcja Dzieł Sztuki" Miejski Dom Kultury Szopienice-Giszowiec. Katowice
2016 XXII Ogólnopolski Konkurs Sztuki im.Vincenta Van Gogha. Rybnik

2015 International Fair of Contemporary Art 2015. IT 
2015 "Habitat"-Wystawa Pracowni Grafiki Cyfrowej: Toruń, Galeria Forum
2015 "III Gliwicki Przegląd Artystyczny-G.PART 2015" Wyróżnienie
2015 "Studencki Obraz Roku" ASP Katowice.Galeria DagmaArt
2014-2015 "Ludzie z gumy. Zmagania z materią" 
Wystawa Jubileuszowa Pracowni Druku Wypukłego Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Katowicach:
Warszawa- Galeria 81 Stopni, 
Krakow- Galeria Oko dla Sztuki,
Ostrava-  Mariánské Hory,
Cieszyn- Instytut Sztuki,
Chorzów-Galeria BIBU Sztygarka, 
Siemianowice Śląskie- Muzeum Miejskie

2014 "Atelier Serigraphy ASP Katowice": Corridor Gallery
Faculty of Fine Arts. University of Ostrava
2014 “Bush Telegraph”  International Art Project
2014 International Triennial of Drawing Students, Rondo Sztuki. Katowice
2014 “Benefis” Academy of Fine Arts, Koszarowa19. Katowice
2014 Exhibition: REVIEW- Academy of Fine Arts. Katowice

2013 PlenAirPainting, Olsztyn
2013 PlenAir photo-reportage-TVP Kultura. Ruda Śląska
2013 FIGURAMA: CTU, Faculty of Architecture. Prague
2013 FIGURAMA: Cultural house. Bratislava 
2013 FIGURAMA: BC Novy Smíchov. Prague
2013 FIGURAMA: Faculty of Art Design- University of West Bohemia. Pilsen
2012 PlenAirPainting, Międzybrodzie Żywieckie
2011 PlenAirPainting, Dźwirzyno
2008 PROJECT 888, Photography exhibition: Poznan, Warsaw, Katowice, Wroclaw 
2007-2010 The Youth Film Academy

Process, ideas and materiality are the main stands to my practice. Important aspects of my actions relate to the experience as eventsCreation of the artist determines the field of activity of customers, whose interactive activities appointing the existence of a work-eventRecipients are  participants, operators, or (co-)creators. Painting/picture it’s visual act outgoing from specific material forms and incoming in relations with  our body, which needs active ,reacting, corresponding, cooperating  environment . Each piece is also becoming a new way of experiencing space, resulting from attempts to understand the environment.

In my realizations I try to show the reciprocity of relations between these elements in relation to reality. Spatial objects which  filters represent the thoughts and impressions. The fabric makes the eye lost in the fleeting mirages. However, in my opinion, of particular importance it is the open nature of the image, that going by him in relations with us. Recognition as an act of visual image helps explain his performativity. I observe  mutually  dependences; interactions with space and results. Ways of perceptions of artwork through the senses- visual experience becomes identical with performative cognition. Penetration  into space.   Works are abstraction-don’t tell story to don’t impose interpretation. They are like “mirrors’’ show  feelings, interpretations resulting from individual experience. In the abstract still fascinates me her focus on the study of the medium  itself, the needs, specific painting, or formal problems such as color, form the image, and even the process of creation. I am seeking own formulas, I like deconstruct, manipulate; give new meanings.
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